Saturday, January 17, 2009

Analyze This IV.

No, I didn't have a nightmare last night. I did, however, come across a message I had written to my friend about the one I had back in October that I still clearly remember. This was the message:

"Ok, so I fell asleep to Tout Le Monde on repeat and I had the most twisted nightmare ever!! So I was giving a report presentation (that prob came into my dreams cuz of our convo) with Cindy and other classmates in a tent in the middle of the woods. I was the last person of the group to go present and the other finished groupies stepped outside for a min... and got eaten up by cannibals!! we couldnt find the cannibals but apparently they were followin me cuz they'd friggin gobble up anyone I'd hang out with!! and then i was like omg, no more Berkeley/woods life for meeh, i'm going home to SJ where there aint no cannibals!! but this time i'm home juss to see the bones of my eaten family members all around the house!! and the music was incorporated into my dreams, superrr eerie. when i started hearin it in my dreams the "end credits" of the "movie dream" started rollin. HELLA CREEPY. I'm never listening to that song while sleepin ever again!!"

Tout Le Monde:

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